Friday, October 2, 2009

Please, I tried to win, don't kill me.

Die Loser Die!

The thing I dislike most about sled dog races, greyhound races, dog shows, and all other competitive events using dogs are "What do you do with all the losers?".

"What do you do with all those puppies who you know will never become winners in the sport?"

Many breeds of dogs have been bred to be a specialist at a specific job,
if they are NOT good at that job, what happens to them?

Racing greyhounds who try to win, but can't, have very little value.

Years ago, a breeder of these dogs told me she had the losers "put to sleep" (humanly killed) so that they would not end up being used in medical research or product testing.

Some losers are adopted, but many losers are killed. I believe it would be better if dog tracks became casinos.

In the Vick case, we all read about how the losers were killed for "underperforming".
But dog fights aren't the only dog competition where the losers die.

Dog shows are just another competitive event using dogs.

I have talked with many many show dog breeders.
What value does a dog have if the whole point of keeping him has been to own and show a winner, but the pup turns out to be a loser?

He is useless as a show dog because he doesn't win, and he is usually useless for breeding because he hasn't won.

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